Saturday, March 03, 2007

5 weeks into term time

Hello everybody! Havne't been blogging for a while.....well...its been a whirlwind of activities here down under lol. O-week was as eventful as anticipated . Here are some of the pics that i'd like to share with all of you.
1st pic : The dental students on New year's eve
2nd pic : Me and Zhi Ling on NEw year's day
3rd pic : Me and Keith (well done cousin!)
4th pic : Opshop skirt 1$ :P Me and Ken
5th pic : Clement and Rajes
6th pic : Me and Chen with the winnning team --scavenger hunt 2007 !! WOOHOO those guys did the Rick Burge run ( kudos to them running butt naked all the way to the Blue and White cafe to get a straw and back! GOOD TEAM WORK GUYS!)
7th pic : Vong, Johnny, Rajes and Drew during the Barn dance
8th pic: Meow! kitties on the barn dance floor

ok....that's all for O-week

Stuff at uni:
1. saw my first two patients for the year.....phew.....i hope i do better next time....REMEMBER : for bitewings its 0.25 mili sieverts!!!! and always reassure the patient...they can be nervous about treatment. talk them through the procedure.
2. bought a few new books---gosh they are pricey
3. I will read up after lectures . I will make more notes. I will stay awake during lectures. I will book patients in a week beforehand. I will be calm and collected.

Till next time
toodles :)

oh, there are now three june's in college who is malaysian (me), one who is Korean (a guy !) and june in the office :)