Friday, May 26, 2006


HEy hey......sorry for the long pause between blogs hahahaha......been very very busy with work and lab . OH welll........a student's life.....Just before I launch into full blown study mood....i'll talk about parts of my life first.
firstly, EXAMS are here!!! Many of us are either in the middle of exams, swotting for exams or starting to swot for the exams, ALL THE BEST!!!
I have three Delicious' exams coming up next week of which two are practical lab exercises and one is written. SO I have to study at least half of my text book for the written test and all the lectures that have been given for the lab assessment and pray that I have good concentration , a sturdy hand, and great angulation to succeed (that's for the lab assessment). POSITIVE THOUGHTS!!!!!!

Well, so far, I am now qualified to scale and clean teeth safely YAY.......Other than that, my lab skills have been improving but still need lots of work. Did MO, DO, O, Prox box, tunnel prep, fissure sealants in GIC, Composite Resin, and amalgam. PHew.......
(For non-dentists out there, its just different cavity designs with different materials as fillings)

Tonight is Hens and bucks, i can look forward to a quiet early night but NOISy corridors towards the morning with generous spews strategically located ...ugh.....part and parcel of college life.

okok.....we celebrated international night last week and there was lots of Indian influences ---food, attire and music....hehe....( I wore a sari !) It was a good night -- for once, a non-alcohol based event! there were plenty of performances ---plenty of talent in college :).

next week is the last week of the semester after which it will be study break for two weeks and then ---EXAMS......sigh...better start work now.

dentist at work

Sunday, May 07, 2006

In my quest for motivation---:)

What if all we see about us are reflections of what we think is so?

What 's reflected when we decide to change our thought?

I stumbled across these questions in a book by Richard Bach, called 'Curious Lives' Adventures from the Ferret Chronicles. It gave me much needed contemplation about how I should handle dentistry in the laboratory and in clinical practice.
Realising that your frame of mind greatly affects your actions and that learning is not always easy , i guess I start to see the point of being more patient with myself.

yet another quote:

Sometimes, unless you start over, you'll never start at all.

hmm.....Maybe if I start over with a fresh frame of mind and by making a choice to use each session to my highest sense of right , taking time with the journey to fully comprehend its workings....I can overcome my limitations.

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.

keeping that quote in mind may also help. LOL :D

Visualising a better session :)
Competance and Excellence

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Patience and Calmness

WOW........I just realised the importance of being patient and doing things slow and steady. Being calm helps too. Laboratory session went better than last time (even though my amalgam carving still sucks) , at least my composite resin fillings were satisfactory. Clinic on the other hand was a nightmare......

It was a routine procedure -- Rubber dam application : putting on a sheet of rubber on a patient by clamping it down onto a tooth with a suitable clamp after appliying topical anesthetic.
Well, the first placement went well. however, the patient was in pain and wanted the second one done quickly......therefore, in the rush of the moment, my fingers slipped and the clamp clamped onto his gingivae vertically!! From then on, due to my increasing anxiety and the patient's constant moans of was downhill.....sigh.....

One lesson I learnt it to keep the panic within. Show the patient confidence even when you are quaking inside.....DO NOT let them have a mirror to see the damage as it increases the psychological pain....

Oh well, I'll have to face him again next week so I'll have to prepare myself mentally first . Wish me luck guys!

Dentist at work