Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Patience and Calmness

WOW........I just realised the importance of being patient and doing things slow and steady. Being calm helps too. Laboratory session went better than last time (even though my amalgam carving still sucks) , at least my composite resin fillings were satisfactory. Clinic on the other hand was a nightmare......

It was a routine procedure -- Rubber dam application : putting on a sheet of rubber on a patient by clamping it down onto a tooth with a suitable clamp after appliying topical anesthetic.
Well, the first placement went well. however, the patient was in pain and wanted the second one done quickly......therefore, in the rush of the moment, my fingers slipped and the clamp clamped onto his gingivae vertically!! From then on, due to my increasing anxiety and the patient's constant moans of was downhill.....sigh.....

One lesson I learnt it to keep the panic within. Show the patient confidence even when you are quaking inside.....DO NOT let them have a mirror to see the damage as it increases the psychological pain....

Oh well, I'll have to face him again next week so I'll have to prepare myself mentally first . Wish me luck guys!

Dentist at work


Blogger jiahling said...

good luck then =)

so trying ler being a dentist... O.O

and ya... "the clamp clamped onto his gingivae vertically!!" ouch... sounds painful...

9:32 AM

Blogger chin kimg said...

they let u work on real patients?

9:05 AM

Blogger queenlyd said...

keep the 'lessons' going, june!.. =P

i will keep everything in mind, as so not to screw up next year.. ^^

6:56 AM

Blogger queenlyd said...

btw, amoi...
yeah.. dental students get to work on real patients =P.. apparently bcuz the real dentists are swamped with appointments up to a few months time.. and private dentists cost a bomb... =P

6:58 AM


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