Sunday, May 07, 2006

In my quest for motivation---:)

What if all we see about us are reflections of what we think is so?

What 's reflected when we decide to change our thought?

I stumbled across these questions in a book by Richard Bach, called 'Curious Lives' Adventures from the Ferret Chronicles. It gave me much needed contemplation about how I should handle dentistry in the laboratory and in clinical practice.
Realising that your frame of mind greatly affects your actions and that learning is not always easy , i guess I start to see the point of being more patient with myself.

yet another quote:

Sometimes, unless you start over, you'll never start at all.

hmm.....Maybe if I start over with a fresh frame of mind and by making a choice to use each session to my highest sense of right , taking time with the journey to fully comprehend its workings....I can overcome my limitations.

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.

keeping that quote in mind may also help. LOL :D

Visualising a better session :)
Competance and Excellence


Blogger CW TAN said...

i dun really get ur post....

oh well, dun bother....

falls asleep

7:02 PM

Blogger jiahling said...

chim.. as usual =P

agree with the quote "Sometimes, unless you start over, you'll never start at all."

that's exactly why i started over and redesigned my whole assignment in sem 2 even though i had like...2-3 weeks left? cos i felt something was not right.. in d end it turned out ok =)

jia you ba~ dun pressure urself too much ^^

10:20 PM

Blogger Wei Zhi said...

sigh, here i am sitting for a full 5 minutes trying to dig up some quote i know... but alas i guess i am too old for memory games :P

Believe in yourself! I think that is the true essense behind self motivation. To believe in standing when one falls, to believe in light in the event of dark and to believe the spirit rather than the mind. There is no spoon, the mindset is the human limit ;)

Take care!

5:34 AM

Blogger GLO said...

i kinda get ur quote there june...nice...they inspire me as well :D

u dun hafta restart every frame of a way the frames of our minds are linked together by routine paths...trying to refresh thoughts is to jump to another interval of a frame u scared/fear/doubted to go to...maybe from there u will get a new lead

i agree with dan...mindset is the limit which is keeping us back...well, for the 'work for it' quote, i guess, it's pretty common right? (i mean for stpm students :P)

Good luck with ur studies tho ;-) You can do it lar....dun think too much

11:26 AM

Blogger GLO said...

i kinda get ur quote there june...nice...they inspire me as well :D

u dun hafta restart every frame of a way the frames of our minds are linked together by routine paths...trying to refresh thoughts is to jump to another interval of a frame u scared/fear/doubted to go to...maybe from there u will get a new lead

i agree with dan...mindset is the limit which is keeping us back...well, for the 'work for it' quote, i guess, it's pretty common right? (i mean for stpm students :P)

Good luck with ur studies tho ;-) You can do it lar....dun think too much

11:28 AM

Blogger GLO said...

ala....two comments pulak...delete one please....i m posting the first one when my connection fails....i tot it din go up...psk

sorry for the trouble

11:28 AM


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