HOMEcoming hehhehehehehehhe

IT is Great to have the time to blog again :) hahahaha......I am glad the exams are over --expected results are hazy though....humph ....still unsure if the information I wrote in the papers was what they wanted ......SNAP out OF it !!! I can't do anything about it now! Just have to hope for the best ...
Today I woke up at 4am. I know that's silly since I slept at 12.00 am.......and I missed the Aus VS Italy game!!! SHOOT .......heard that it was such a close call ......poor Aussies .....
All the same, I just couldn't sleep because I was thinking about all the possibilities ---things to do, places to see ---Back home! I'll be catching a flight home on Friday and after that, there'll be a weekend spent snorkelling in Pulau Perhentian ...I am so excited !!!
What could one do at 4 am?? well, for starters, I read through a pile of fashion magazines to get myself up to speed ( isn't it just great to be able to waste some precious time? ), did some exercise before going for breakfast and then Hit the gym at 11.00am( just to make sure I don't wake up at unearthly hours again sheesh)......Later I'll probably go window shopping since I'll be home soon :P
Hmm.....oh I was recently tagged ----strange things they are .....just like chain mail .....
HERE IT GOES :Few Simple Rules of this TAG GAME:~-The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.-Have to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.-Tag eight other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.-If you are tagged the second time.There is NO need to do this again.-Lastly, most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT!! ^^
1. For starters, it'll have to be a guy :P
2. Loves me for who I am and who I will be
3. Sincere
4. Loyal
5. Trustworthy
6. Kind
8.Someone I can have intelligent conversations with and connect with
The 8 people I'll pick:
1.hmm....don't really feel like tagging people at all so anybody will do
2. ''
3. ''
4. ''
5. ''
6. ''
7. ''
8. ''
Ok then, I'll update again when more interesting things crop up
Dentist on Holiday!